Chaincode on Hyperledger Fabric 2.x Test Network (ARM64 Edition)

In this article, we will demonstrate the installation and execution of the Asset Transfer Basic chaincode (from Hyperledger Fabric samples) on our test network using the Docker images we build for the ARM64 platform from the source for Hyperledger Fabric 2.x.

Here is the link to the article:

Chaincode on Hyperledger Fabric 2.x Test Network

Enjoy 😉 !!!

Setup Hyperledger Fabric 2.x Test Network (ARM64 Edition)

In this article, we will demonstrate the setup of the test network from Hyperledger Fabric samples using the Docker images we build for the ARM64 platform from the source for Hyperledger Fabric 2.x.

Here is the link to the article:

Setup Hyperledger Fabric 2.x Test Network

Enjoy 😉 !!!

Building Docker Images for Hyperledger Fabric 2.x (ARM64 Edition)

Given that ARM based Single Board Computers (SBCs) are growing in popularity and perfect for building home lab clusters, did not see any official distribution for Hyperledger Fabric 2.x.

In this article, we will layout the steps to build the necessary Docker images from the source for Hyperledger Fabric 2.x.

Here is the link to the article:

Building Docker Images for Hyperledger Fabric 2.x

Enjoy 😉 !!!

Using Ganache and Solidity with Python

Happy New Year2022 !!!

In this article, we will show how to setup a local Ethereum development environment using Ganache and Solidity for building, deploying, and testing Decentralized Application (dApps) and follow through with a simple demonstration using Python. Here is the link to the article:

Using Ganache and Solidity with Python

Enjoy 🙂 !!!

Proof of Authority Consensus – Clique

A few weeks back, we setup and tested a multi-node private Blockchain network using Hyperledger Besu in Docker containers. In that setup, we used Clique based Proof-of-Authority consensus algorithm for mining blocks versus the default Proof-of-Work based mining.

In this article, we will dive into Clique to understand how it works. Here is the link to the article:

Proof of Authority Consensus – Clique

Enjoy 🙂 !!!

Hyperledger Besu Private Network using Docker

In this article, we will explore the use of Hyperledger Besu (an open source Ethereum client built for the Enterprises). We will demonstrate how to setup and test a multi-node private Blockchain network using Hyperledger Besu in Docker containers. Here is the link to the article:

Hyperledger Besu Private Network using Docker

Enjoy 🙂 !!!