Quick Start Guide to CouchDB

Bhaskar S 12/10/2010


Of late, there has been a lot of buzz around the term NoSQL. The term NoSQL refers to the new breed of Database Management Systems that are Document-centric rather that the traditional Table-centric Relational Database Management Systems. The reasons behind the NoSQL movement is perhaps due to the flexibility (rigid schema based structure) and scalability (Internet-scale data) challenges with the traditional Relational Database Management Systems, which is especially true with the spurt of new generation of social networking web applications that are document-centric and Internet-scale.

Enter CouchDB !!! CouchDB is one of the new breed of Document-oriented Database Management Systems. With Document-oriented databases, there is no rigid schema or table structure to adhere to. With CouchDB, data is stored as a collection of JSON document(s). A JSON document is a collection of name-value pairs, where the value could be simple (integer, string, etc) or complex (arrays, structures, attachments, etc). With JSON document(s), both the data (key-value pairs) as well as the structure of the data can evolve over time making it well suited for a schema-less data representation.

CouchDB includes a built-in HTTP engine to allow access to the JSON document(s) via REST style web service. This is unlike the traditional Relational Database Management Systems which use the Structured Query Language (SQL) to access data from the table(s).

Replication is one of the most important and powerful features of CouchDB. In fact, the term “Couch” stands for “Cluster Of Unreliable Commodity Hardware”. This means that any number of hosts with an independent copy of the same database can be run as a cluster for scalability and reliability reasons. CouchDB's replication works on the principle of Eventual Consistency where updated documents are incrementally replicated over a period of time.

Now, lets get our hands dirty by exploring CouchDB.


We will be exploring CouchDB in a Ubuntu based Linux desktop as it is much easier to install the necessary software.

Go ahead and fire up the Synaptic Package Manager and install the packages: curl and couchdb.

Here is the screenshot for the installed package curl:

HTTP Image

And, here is the screenshot for the installed package couchdb:

HTTP Image

Hands-on With CouchDB

To check if CouchDB is running, type the following command using curl:


The response from CouchDB should look something like the following:



Every response from CouchDB is in JSON format.

The newly installed CouchDB database system has no user defined database in it. To list all the databases in CouchDB, type the following command:


The response from CouchDB should look something like the following:



CouchDB stores all the user related authentication details in a special database called _users.

For our tests in this article, we will use the example of a DVD Lending Library where the database represents the DVD library and the DVDs will be represented as JSON documents in the library.

To create a DVD Library database called “dvd-library” in CouchDB, type the following command:

curl -X PUT

The response from CouchDB should look something like the following:



This response indicates that the database called “dvd-library” was created successfully.

Let us again list all the databases in CouchDB:


The response from CouchDB should look something like the following:



We now have an empty database called “dvd-library”.

Remember that data in CouchDB is represented as self-contained JSON documents(s). Document(s) in a CouchDB database are stored in B-Tree storage. To store any data in B-Tree requires an unique key to identify what is being stored. Hence, to store a JSON document in CouchDB requires an unique ID.

To add a DVD represented as a JSON document with the unique ID “wall-e” to the database “dvd-library”, type the following command:

curl -X PUT
     -d '{"Name":"Wall-E", "Format":"NTSC", "Studio":"Disney", "Year":2008, "Rating":"G"}'

The response from CouchDB should look something like the following:



This response indicates that the document with ID “wall-e” was successfully added to the database called “dvd-library”.

What is the field with the name “rev” in the response ? This field “rev” stands for Revision Number. In other words, it is the version number of the document. In the traditional Relational Database Management System, to update a row in a table means the database engine has to acquire a lock for that row to prevent others from updating the same row. Locking is expensive and limits the concurrency of the database. CouchDB takes a very different approach by avoiding locks. CouchDB uses Multi Version Concurrency Control (MVCC) to allow concurrent updates to a document in the database. This means that no in-place updates are done to a document in the database. Every update is copy-on-write operation (append only). When you want to update a document in the database, you get a copy of the latest version of the document from the database, make the necessary changes to the document and when you save the document to the database, it is appended with a newer revision number. In order to facilitate fast access to a document by revision number, CouchDB also indexes the document by revision number using a B-Tree (in addition to the index by unique ID).

The value of the attribute “rev” is specified as: <N>-<MD5>, where N is the number of times the document was updated, followed by a dash '-', followed by the MD5 hash of the document contents.

To fetch the DVD document for the unique ID “wall-e” from the database “dvd-library”, type the following command:

curl -X GET

The response from CouchDB should look something like the following:


"Format":"NTSC", "Studio":"Disney","Year":2008,"Rating":"G"}

CouchDB uses two special attributes _id and _rev (same as “rev”) to represent the unique ID and the revision number of the document.

Now, let us go ahead and add few more DVD documents to the database “dvd-library” as follows:

curl -X PUT
     -d '{"Name":"UP", "Format":"NTSC", "Studio":"Disney", "Year":2009, "Rating":"PG"}'

curl -X PUT
     -d '{"Name":"Despicable Me", "Format":"NTSC", "Studio":"Universal",
          "Year":2010, "Rating":"PG"}'

curl -X PUT
     -d '{"Name":"Toy Story 3", "Format":"NTSC", "Studio":"Disney", "Year":2010,

curl -X PUT
     -d '{"Name":"Shrek", "Format":"NTSC", "Studio":"Dreamworks", "Year":2001,

To query all the DVD documents from the database “dvd-library”, type the following command:

curl -X GET

The response from CouchDB should look something like the following:



We have successfully retrieved all the 5 DVD documents from the database “dvd-library”.

Now, we want to lend the DVD with unique ID “shrek” to the customer “Mr. White”. When we lend a DVD, we update the DVD document to contain a new attribute called “Borrower” with the customer details such as the borrowers name and contact.

To update the DVD document for the unique ID “shrek” with the “Borrower” information in the database “dvd-library”, type the following command:

curl -X PUT
     -d '{"_rev":1-f3dd6b718c0b4ddeeb468d4d0fa3e56d", "Name": "Shrek", "Format": "NTSC",
          "Studio": "Dreamworks", "Year":2001, "Rating":"PG",
          "Borrower":{"Name":"Mr. White", "Mobile":"123-456-7890"}}'

The response from CouchDB should look something like the following:


{"error":"conflict","reason":"Document update conflict."}

This response indicates that an error was encountered. What happened here ? Remember the earlier topic on the revision number “rev” ? In order to update the document, we need to specify the latest revision number of the document.

To get the latest revision number associated with the DVD document for the unique ID “shrek” from the database “dvd-library”, type the following command:

curl -X GET

The response from CouchDB should look something like the following:


{"_id":"shrek","_rev":"1-f3dd6b718c0b4ddeeb468d4d0fa3e56d", "Name":"Shrek",
"Format":"NTSC", "Studio":"Dreamworks","Year":2001,"Rating":"PG"}

From the response, we see the revision number to be "_rev":"1-f3dd6b718c0b4ddeeb468d4d0fa3e56d". Let us include this revision number to update the DVD document for the unique ID “shrek”, as follows:

curl -X PUT
     -d '{"_rev":1-f3dd6b718c0b4ddeeb468d4d0fa3e56d", "Name": "Shrek", "Format": "NTSC",
          "Studio": "Dreamworks", "Year":2001, "Rating":"PG",
          "Borrower":{"Name":"Mr. White", "Mobile":"123-456-7890"}}'

The response from CouchDB should look something like the following:



The updated DVD document for “shrek” has been successfully saved as a new document with a new revision number in the database “dvd-library”.

To list all the revisions associated with the DVD document for the unique ID “shrek” from the database “dvd-library”, type the following command:

curl -X GET

The response from CouchDB should look something like the following:


{"_id":"shrek","_rev":"2-21c84195f868af9ff843be92f85173e6", "Name":"Shrek", "Format":"NTSC",
"Borrower":{"Name":"Mr. White", "Mobile": "123-456-7890"},
"_revisions":{"start":2,"ids":["21c84195f868af9ff843be92f85173e6", "f3dd6b718c0b4ddeeb468d4d0fa3e56d"]}}

As we can see from the response, the various revisions of the document for the unique ID “shrek'' is listed under the special attribute “_revisions”.

To fetch the first version of the document for the unique ID “shrek'', type the following command:

curl -X GET

The response from CouchDB should look something like the following:


{"_id":"shrek","_rev":"1-f3dd6b718c0b4ddeeb468d4d0fa3e56d", "Name":"Shrek", "Format":"NTSC",

Remember that the revision number is specified in the format: <N>-<MD5>.

CAUTION :: Older versions of a document will be deleted when the CouchDB database is compacted. Also, if you enable replication to another node, only the latest revision of the document(s) is replicated.

So far in this article, we used the HTTP PUT method to add a new document to the CouchDB database “dvd-library”. When we use the HTTP PUT method, we need to specify an unique ID to identify the document. However, it is possible to use the HTTP POST method to add a new document to the CouchDB database “dvd-library”. When we use the HTTP POST method to add a new document to the database, CouchDB will automatically assign an unique ID for the document being added.

To add a dummy document to the database “dvd-library” using the HTTP POST method, type the following command:

curl -X POST -d '{"Name":"Dummy"}'

The response from CouchDB should look something like the following:


{"error":"bad_content_type","reason":"Content-Type must be application/json"}

This response indicates that an error was encountered. When we use the HTTP POST method, we need to explicitly specify the content type of the document as a JSON document.

To fix this, type the following command:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json"
     -d '{"Name":"Dummy"}''

The response from CouchDB should look something like the following:



From the response, it is clear that the dummy document was successfully added to the database “dvd-library”. One point to note here – in is case CouchDB automatically assigned an unique ID for the document "id":"448b4ec73bd3af9934157bcf2b0009d5". This is analogous to the auto-increment sequence column in the traditional Relational Database Systems except with a twist. Since CouchDB is built to run in a cluster of nodes that could potentially be distributed across the globe with the same database replica, the generated ID needs to be globally unique across the nodes. For this reason, CouchDB uses the 16-byte Universally Unique ID (UUID) to generate the unique ID, which is guaranteed to be unique across the nodes.

We could have used the UUID as the unique ID for our DVD documents instead of the DVD names. To get a UUID from CouchDB, type the following command:

curl -X GET

The response from CouchDB should look something like the following:



We could have then used the unique UUID 448b4ec73bd3af9934157bcf2b001801 with one of the DVD documents.

Had we used the UUID as the ID for the DVD documents, we would have had to execute the above command for each of the DVD documents. Rather than getting one UUID at a time, we could get a set of UUIDs by issuing the following command:

curl -X GET

The response from CouchDB should look something like the following:



To add a DVD document using the first UUID 448b4ec73bd3af9934157bcf2b001b3b as the unique ID, type the following command:

curl -X PUT
     -d '{"Name":"Cars", "Format":"NTSC", "Studio":"Disney", "Year":2006, "Rating":"G"}'

The response from CouchDB should look something like the following:



We have successfully added a new DVD document for “Cars”.

We now want to delete the dummy document we added to our database “dvd-library” earlier. As we know, CouchDB had automatically assigned the unique ID of 448b4ec73bd3af9934157bcf2b0009d5 to the dummy document. Let us first try to fetch it by issuing the following command:

curl -X GET

The response from CouchDB should look something like the following:



The dummy document exists in the database “dvd-library”.

To delete the dummy document from the database “dvd-library”, type the following command:

curl -X DELETE

The response from CouchDB should look something like the following:



We used the HTTP DELETE method on the current revision of the dummy document to invoke the delete operation. Remember any update (change or delete) is a copy-on-write operation in CouchDB. As a result the CouchDB creates a newer revision of the dummy document to indicate deletion. To verify type the following command:

curl -X GET

The response from CouchDB should look something like the following:



CouchDB has added a special attribute called “_deleted” to the newer version of the document and set it to true to indicate the deletion of the dummy document. Let us verify that the dummy document is indeed deleted by issuing the following command:

curl -X GET

The response from CouchDB should look something like the following:



The response from CouchDB confirms that the dummy document is indeed deleted from the database “dvd-library”.

Congratulations !!! We have completed the basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) like operations with the CouchDB database.

Lets us continue with some other interesting capabilities of CouchDB.

CouchDB Views

With the traditional Relational Database System, we use the Structured Query Language (SQL) engine to query and report on data stored in relational table(s). CouchDB database on the other hand does not support SQL. Also, remember that CouchDB database does not stored data in table(s) but as JSON documents. So, then how do we query and report on data that is stored as JSON documents ?

The answer is CouchDB Views. CouchDB Views are the mechanism by which to query and report on the documents stored in the CouchDB database. Think of Views as Stored Procedures from the traditional Relational database world.

CouchDB includes a built-in HTTP engine to allow access to the data stored as JSON documents in the CouchDB database via REST style services. Interestingly, CouchDB also includes a built-in JavaScript engine. JavaScript language makes it very easy to work with JSON document(s). As a result, CouchDB Views are implemented using JavaScript functions that are executed inside CouchDB.

There are two types of Views:

Lets look at some examples so that we can get a better understanding of CouchDB Views.

We want to query and list all the DVD documents in the database “dvd-library”. We will use the Temporary View to illustrate our example. To list all the DVD documents, type the following command:

curl -X POST
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
     -d '{"map":"function(doc) { emit(doc.Year, doc.Name + \", \" + doc.Studio);}" }'

NOTE :: The View function is specified in JSON format after the '-d' option

The response from CouchDB should look something like the following:


{"id":"shrek","key":2001,"value":"Shrek, Dreamworks"},
{"id":"448b4ec73bd3af9934157bcf2b001b3b","key":2006,"value":"Cars, Disney"},
{"id":"wall-e","key":2008,"value":"Wall-E, Disney"},
{"id":"up","key":2009,"value":"UP, Disney"},
{"id":"despicable-me","key":2010,"value":"Despicable Me, Universal"},
{"id":"toy-story-3","key":2010,"value":"Toy Story 3, Disney"}

Execution of the View against the database “dvd-library” returned 6 rows. Note that the response from CouchDB is also in JSON format. As indicated earlier, the View function is implemented as a JavaScript function. The View function takes the whole document as the argument. When we query the View, CouchDB executes the View function against all the documents in the database. The following is the definition of the View function in JavaScript:

function(doc) {
emit(doc._id, doc.Name + \", \" + doc.Studio);

The “emit()” function is used to return the results of the View. The “emit()” function takes two arguments – the first is the Key and the second is the Value. The rows returned by the View are sorted by the Key of the “emit()” function. In our example, we used the DVD Year as the Key to the “emit()” function. Think of this as an equivalent of the query “SELECT YEAR, NAME, STUDIO” in SQL from the traditional Relational Database world.

Now, what if we want to query only the DVD documents with the Year 2010 ? Think of this as an equivalent of the query “SELECT YEAR, NAME, STUDIO WHERE YEAR = 2010” in SQL from the traditional Relational Database world. To achieve this results, type the following command:

curl -X POST
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
     -d '{"map":"function(doc) { emit(doc.Year, doc.Name + \", \" + doc.Studio);}" }'

NOTE :: Look at the use of the View parameters to constrain the results, which is specified in the URI as HTTP query parameter “key=2010”. The View function definition did not change

The response from CouchDB should look something like the following:


{"id":"despicable-me","key":2010,"value":"Despicable Me, Universal"},
{"id":"toy-story-3","key":2010,"value":"Toy Story 3, Disney"}

Execution of the View against the database “dvd-library” returned only 2 rows matching the criteria. Even though we are emitting all the documents from the database, the View parameters are used to constrain the output results. The constraint can only be applied on the Key values used in the “emit()” function, which is the DVD Year in our example.

More interesting, what if we want to query only the DVD documents between the Year 2008 and 2009 ? Think of this as an equivalent of the query “SELECT YEAR, NAME, STUDIO WHERE YEAR >= 2008 AND YEAR <= 2009” in SQL from the traditional Relational Database world. To achieve this results, type the following command:

curl -X POST\&endkey=2009
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
     -d '{"map":"function(doc) { emit(doc.Year, doc.Name + \", \" + doc.Studio);}" }'

NOTE :: Look at the use of the View parameters to constrain the results, which is specified in the URI as HTTP query parameters “startkey=2008\&endkey=2009” (we had to escape '&' using backslash '\' as it means run in the background in Linux shell). Again, the View function definition did not change

The response from CouchDB should look something like the following:


{"id":"wall-e","key":2008,"value":"Wall-E, Disney"},
{"id":"up","key":2009,"value":"UP, Disney"}

Execution of the View against the database “dvd-library” returned only 2 rows matching the criteria.

Thus far we have been exploring the capabilities of CouchDB Views using Temporary Views. As we indicated earlier, the View functions are not stored in the CouchDB database and have to be provided as an option to the “curl” command. If we use the Permanent Views, the View functions will be stored in the CouchDB database permanently in a special design document associated with an unique ID. They can then be invoked anytime by querying the View in the special design document associated with the unique ID. More importantly, if we use Permanent Views, the View results will be stored in a B-Tree the first time the View is executed so that the future access will be much more efficient and faster. This is why we use Temporary Views only during application development.

To store Views as Permanent Views in CouchDB database, we will first defined the View function(s) in a “.json” file. The following are the contents of the file “$HOME/Documents/dvd_views.json” that defines the View function to query and list all the DVD documents by the attribute Year in the database “dvd-library”:

"language": "javascript",

"views": {
"all_dvds_by_year": {
"map": "function(doc) {
emit(doc.Year, doc.Name + ', ' + doc.Studio);

To store the View definition in the JSON file “$HOME/Documents/dvd_views.json” as a special Design Document in the Permanent View under the unique ID “_design/dvd-views”, type the following command:

curl -X PUT
     -d @$HOME/Documents/dvd_views.json

The response from CouchDB should look something like the following:



The response from CouchDB indicates we have successfully stored the View definition.

To verify that the View definition is indeed permanently stored in the database “dvd-library”, type the following command:

curl -X GET

The response from CouchDB should look something like the following:


"language":"javascript","views":{"all_dvds_by_year":{"map":"function(doc) {
emit(doc.Year, doc.Name + ', ' + doc.Studio); }"}}}

The response from CouchDB indicates we have permanently stored the View definition that lists all the DVD documents in the database “dvd-library”.

Now, to query and list all the DVD documents in the database “dvd-library”, we query the Viewall_dvds_by_year” by executing the following command:

curl -X GET

The response from CouchDB should look something like the following:


{"id":"shrek","key":2001,"value":"Shrek, Dreamworks"},
{"id":"448b4ec73bd3af9934157bcf2b001b3b","key":2006,"value":"Cars, Disney"},
{"id":"wall-e","key":2008,"value":"Wall-E, Disney"},
{"id":"up","key":2009,"value":"UP, Disney"},
{"id":"despicable-me","key":2010,"value":"Despicable Me, Universal"},
{"id":"toy-story-3","key":2010,"value":"Toy Story 3, Disney"}

NOTE :: From the HTTP URI, it should be clear that the Design Documents are under “_design” and the Views are under “_view”.

Now to query only the DVD documents from the Year 2010, execute the following command:

curl -X GET

NOTE :: Look at the use of the View parameters to constrain the results, which is specified in the URI as HTTP query parameter “key=2010

The response from CouchDB should look something like the following:


{"id":"despicable-me","key":2010,"value":"Despicable Me, Universal"},
{"id":"toy-story-3","key":2010,"value":"Toy Story 3, Disney"}

We can have more View functions in the Permanent View_design/dvd-views”. Let us enhance the contents of the file “$HOME/Documents/dvd_views.json” and add an additional View function to list all the DVD documents by the attribute Studio in the database “dvd-library”:

"_rev": "1-436c17f7f4afcb9e80b64356d8829687",

"language": "javascript",

"views": {
"all_dvds_by_year": {
"map": "function(doc) {
emit(doc.Year, doc.Name + ', ' + doc.Studio);
"all_dvds_by_studio": {
"map": "function(doc) {
emit(doc.Studio, doc.Name + ', ' + doc.Year);

NOTE :: We need to specify the revision number “_rev” to update an existing document in CouchDB database

To store the updated View definition in the JSON file “$HOME/Documents/dvd_views.json”, type the following command:

curl -X PUT
     -d @$HOME/Documents/dvd_views.json

The response from CouchDB should look something like the following:



The response from CouchDB indicates we have successfully updated the View definition.

Now to query only the DVD documents from the Studio “Disney”, execute the following command:

curl -X GET\"Disney\"

NOTE :: Look at the use of the View parameters to constrain the results, which is specified in the URI as HTTP query parameter key=\”Disney\” (we had to escape the double quotes since the key is of type String)

The response from CouchDB should look something like the following:


{"id":"448b4ec73bd3af9934157bcf2b001b3b","key":"Disney","value":"Cars, 2006"},
{"id":"toy-story-3","key":"Disney","value":"Toy Story 3, 2010"},
{"id":"up","key":"Disney","value":"UP, 2009"},
{"id":"wall-e","key":"Disney","value":"Wall-E, 2008"}

What we have seen thus far is Views returning a list of rows. What about aggregate results ? For example, we want to know how many DVD documents we have in our “dvd-library” database. Think of this as an equivalent of the query “SELECT COUNT(*)” in SQL from the traditional Relational Database world. In all our examples above, we used the special attribute “map” to define the View function to return a list of rows. This is called the map function of the View. For a View function to return an aggregate result, we will use the special attribute “reduce”. This is called the reduce function of the View.

Once again, we will use the Temporary View to illustrate our aggregate example. To return a count of all the DVD documents, type the following command:

curl -X POST
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
     -d '{"map":"function(doc) { emit(doc.Year, 1);}",
          "reduce":"function(keys, values) { return sum(values); }" }'

NOTE :: The View functions are specified in JSON format after the '-d' option

The response from CouchDB should look something like the following:



Execution of the View against the database “dvd-library” returned a single value of 6.

The following are the definitions for the map and reduce View functions in JavaScript:

"map":"function(doc) { emit(doc.Year, 1);}",

"reduce":"function(keys, values) { return sum(values); }"

The map function takes one argument – the document. On the other hand, the reduce function takes two arguments - the first is the List of Keys and the second is the List of Values. The List of Keys and Values are those emitted by the map function.

In the above example, the map function emits the Year attribute from the DVD document as the Key and the number 1 as the Value. The reduce function sums up the List of Values, which in this case is the sum of all the number 1 emitted by the map function for each of the Keys.

Next, we want to find how many DVD documents we have in “dvd-library” database grouped by Year. Think of this as an equivalent of the query “SELECT COUNT(*) … GROUP BY YEAR” in SQL from the traditional Relational Database world.

Once again, we will use the Temporary View to illustrate our “group by” aggregate example. To return a count of DVD documents by Year, type the following command:

curl -X POST
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
     -d '{"map":"function(doc) { emit(doc.Year, 1);}", "reduce":"function(keys, values) {
           return sum(values); }" }'

NOTE :: Look at the use of View parameter “group=true” in the URI

The response from CouchDB should look something like the following:



Execution of the View with the parameter “group=true” against the database “dvd-library” returned DVD document counts grouped by Year.

To permanently store the “reduceView function in the database “dvd-library”, we will update the View functions in the Permanent View_design/dvd-views” as follows:


"_rev": "2-9a89b7d93718f043d27adda5a152627e",

"language": "javascript",

"views": {
"all_dvds_by_year": {
"map": "function(doc) {
emit(doc.Year, doc.Name + ', ' + doc.Studio);

"all_dvds_by_studio": {
"map": "function(doc) {
emit(doc.Studio, doc.Name + ', ' + doc.Year);

"all_dvds_count_by_year": {
"map": "function(doc) {
emit(doc.Year, 1);

"reduce": "function(keys, values) {
return sum(values);

NOTE :: We added a new Viewall_dvds_count_by_year” for aggregation

To store the updated View definition in the JSON file “$HOME/Documents/dvd_views.json”, type the following command:

curl -X PUT -d @$HOME/Documents/dvd_views.json

The response from CouchDB should look something like the following:



The response from CouchDB indicates we have successfully updated the View definition.

Now to verify the aggregation View function “all_dvds_count_by_year”, execute the following command:

curl -X GET

The response from CouchDB should look something like the following:



Execution of the View against the database “dvd-library” returned a single value of 6.

CouchDB Validation

With the traditional Relational Database System, we use SQL Triggers to perform validation on data stored in relational table(s). This way only clean and consistent data gets stored in the relational table(s). The question then is how do we perform such validation on data that is stored as JSON documents in CouchDB ?

The answer is CouchDB Validation function.

Just like the CouchDB Views, the CouchDB Validation function is also implemented using JavaScript and is executed inside CouchDB. However, unlike CouchDB Views, the CouchDB Validation function must be permanently stored in the CouchDB database in a Design Document with the unique ID “_design/<name>”. There can be only one Validation function per Design Document and is given a pre-defined name of “validate_doc_update”. If you want multiple Validation functions, then you will have to define multiple Design Documents. When a document is either added or updated in the CouchDB database, it is validated against each Validation function in all the Design Documents. The order in which each of the Validation functions from the different Design Documents will be evaluated is arbitrary.

Lets look at an example so that we can get a better understanding of CouchDB Validation function.

From one of our earlier examples, we were able to store a dummy DVD document in our database “dvd-library” without any issues. We want to store only valid DVD document(s) by ensuring that the DVD document contains all the attributes, namely, Name, Format (NTSC only), Studio, Year (must be greater than 1900 and less than 2010), and Rating (P, G, and PG only).

To store the Validation function “validate_doc_update” in the database “dvd-library”, we will update the View functions in the Permanent View_design/dvd-views” as follows:

"_rev": "2-9a89b7d93718f043d27adda5a152627e",

"language": "javascript",

"views": {
"all_dvds_by_year": {
"map": "function(doc) {
emit(doc.Year, doc.Name + ', ' + doc.Studio);

"all_dvds_by_studio": {
"map": "function(doc) {
emit(doc.Studio, doc.Name + ', ' + doc.Year);

"all_dvds_count_by_year": {
"map": "function(doc) {
emit(doc.Year, 1);

"reduce": "function(keys, values) {
return sum(values);

"validate_doc_update": "function(newDoc, oldDoc, userContext) {
if (!newDoc.Name) {
throw({forbidden:'No Name attribute defined'});
if (!newDoc.Format) {
throw({forbidden:'No Format attribute defined'});
if (newDoc.Format != 'NTSC') {
throw({forbidden:'Format attribute must have a value of NTSC'});
if (!newDoc.Studio) {
throw({forbidden:'No Studio attribute defined'});
if (!newDoc.Year) {
throw({forbidden:'No Year attribute defined'});
if (newDoc.Year < 1900 || newDoc.Year > 2010) {
throw({forbidden:'Year attribute must have a value > 1900 and < 2010'});
if (!newDoc.Rating) {
throw({forbidden:'No Rating attribute defined'});
if (newDoc.Rating != 'P' || newDoc.Rating != 'G' || newDoc.Rating != 'PG') {
throw({forbidden:'Rating attribute must have a value of P or G or PG'});

The validate_doc_update function takes three arguments – the first is the updated document, the second is the current version of the document in the database (this will null for new documents), and the last is the context to the user making the update request.

NOTE :: We added a new Validation function “validate_doc_update

To store the updated View definition in the JSON file “$HOME/Documents/dvd_views.json”, type the following command:

curl -X PUT -d @$HOME/Documents/dvd_views.json

The response from CouchDB should look something like the following:



The response from CouchDB indicates we have successfully updated the View definition.

Now, let us try to store the dummy document again using the following command:

curl -X POST
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"Name":"Dummy"}'

The response from CouchDB should look something like the following:


{"error":"forbidden","reason":"No Format attribute defined"}

The dummy document was not added to the database “dvd-library” as it failed the Validation function.

Now, let us try another example with all valid attributes but with an invalid Rating using the following command:

curl -X POST
     -H "Content-Type: application/json"
     -d '{"Name":"Tangled", "Format":"NTSC",
          "Studio":"Disney","Year":2010, "Rating":"X"}'

The response from CouchDB should look something like the following:


{{"error":"forbidden","reason":"Rating attribute must have a value of P or G or PG"}

The DVD document with invalid Rating attribute was not added to the database “dvd-library” as it failed the Validation function.

CouchDB Compaction

From the earlier examples, it is clear that CouchDB does not update or delete documents for efficiency reasons (refer to page 3). Over a period of time this behavior will result in more space being used by the database. To reclaim space as well as purge old and deleted documents from the CouchDB database, one needs to perform database Compaction at regular intervals.

To get the statistics of the database “dvd-library”, execute the following command:

curl -X GET

The response from CouchDB should look something like the following:


{"db_name":"dvd-library","doc_count":7,"doc_del_count":1,"update_seq":13,"purge_seq":0, "compact_running":false,"disk_size":53337,"instance_start_time":"1293155186989564",

The response from CouchDB indicates that the current database size is 53337 bytes.

To compact the CouchDB database “dvd-library”, execute the following command:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json"

The response from CouchDB should look something like the following:



The response from CouchDB indicates that the compaction operation was successful.

Now, let us again get the statistics of the database “dvd-library” by executing the following command:

curl -X GET

The response from CouchDB should look something like the following:



The response from CouchDB indicates that the current database size after compaction is 8281 bytes.

We have only scratched the surface of some of the features and capabilities of CouchDB database. The purpose of this guide is to get one quickly started with CouchDB database.

Hope this guide is useful.